Configure Alert sending time

This feature allows the users of the application to configure when to send the alerts to the stakeholders of the contracts. Users can select from the predefined time intervals (7, 14, 30,90 Days) or even they can define a custom timeline so that the alert will be sent before the specified time.

Steps to configure sending alerts to alerts sending time

  1. The tenant admin should navigate to the settings area of the application.

  2. Then select “Configure Alerts”

  3. On the Alert configuration page you can see the list of time intervals defined.

  4. Select the time lines that meet your organizational requirements by checking the predefined time lines or you could define a custom timeline as well.

  5. Hit save button and the configuration will be applied to the application.

NOTE: Email alerts will only be sent to contract managers, but you also can define external stakeholders under “Send alerts additionally to” area.